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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Clubside Ladies Bookclub
Location: Clubside Clubhouse
Time: 6pm to 7:30pm
The Clubside Reserve Ladies Bookclub will meet on May 9th to discuss the book  My Killer Romance by Tessa Bailey. The book is a spicy romantic comedy set during the summer on Cape Cod.  (This is a change of book from Bel Canto)  We will meet at 6PM.  Feel free to bring your favorite beverage and prepare for a lively discussion among fellow book enthusiasts.
I will be traveling in May and unable to attend but the group still intends to meet. If anyone has already read the prior book selection and would like to discuss Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, please let me know and I will plan separate time when I return in early June.
Enjoy and I will see you in June!